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Information for people making requests.

West Kilbride Adult Education Subcommittee

 Attendance Requests for Particular Conditions: Position Statement


Adult Education is constituted to provide a programme of classes for leisure opportunities for enjoyment, learning and socialising. They are organised on the assumption that people attending are able to do so independently and participate fully to the standard of the class.


Adult Education is not constituted as a care service. We therefore do not have all of the safeguards necessary such as policies, training, PVG checks, ‘staff’ ratios, etc. to provide ‘care’ or a ‘sitter service’


Nevertheless, we recognise the benefits there can be for people in maintaining normal activities and socialising and we wish to be inclusive. If we are informed that someone has a particular condition or issues, then we have a duty of care to them and to others. We will make provision where we can, in the context of our responsibilities to all: to the person concerned; to the class tutor; and to the other students.


We will accept requests for people with dementia or specific conditions to attend classes on the following basis:

➢    requests should be made in advance of enrolment day and will be subject to an informal, in-person conversation between 2 members of the Adult Education committee and the person and their carer/carer only. The object being to understand the person’s abilities, disabilities and requirements and ensure they know the standard and requirements of the class: and to explore the feasibility and benefit of their attendance.

➢    the person must be able to participate meaningfully in the class, to the standard of the class, will benefit from their attendance, there is no risk to the person themselves or to others in the class, and there is no distraction or disruption to the class

➢    if the person requires assistance to attend and has a carer, then the carer must also enrol, pay and accompany the person. The Carer’s primary role is to provide assistance to the person. However dependent on the nature of the class and appropriateness, the carer may participate in the class themselves. e.g. singing

➢    In general, we would not allow enrolment in an exercise class unless it was a ‘sitting down’ class and assessed as appropriate to the individual

➢    enrolment is as for all at enrolment: on a first come, first served, basis

➢    tutors have to manage and provide for all students and cannot therefore provide specific supervision to one individual over others. Adult Education will liaise with the class tutor in considering admission to the class

➢    if required, a Personal Evacuation Plan will be arranged for safety in event of fire

Applications in Writing
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